

Message Class

Represents a message in a chatroom


ChatRoom Class

Represents a chat room



Create a ChatRoom class and bind it to a forum instance


Message Class

Represents a message in a chatroom

Kind: global class
Access: public

new Message(payload)

Construct a Message object from payload

This constructor is intended to be private use only, if you need to construct a chat message from payload data use Message.parse() instead

Param Type Description
payload * Payload to construct the Message object out of ⇒ number

Chat message id

Kind: instance property of Message
Returns: number - Id of the chat message
Access: public ⇒ number

Id of the chatroom this message belongs to

Kind: instance property of Message
Returns: number - Id of the ChatRoom this message belongs to
Access: public

message.from ⇒ User

User who sent this message

Kind: instance property of Message
Returns: User - User who authored this chat message
Access: public

message.self ⇒ boolean

Identify if this message was created by current user

Kind: instance property of Message
Returns: boolean - True if message was sent by current user
Access: public

message.content ⇒ string

Text content of message

Kind: instance property of Message
Returns: string - Content of the message with formatting and quotes removed
Access: public

message.sent ⇒ Date

DateTime the message was sent

Kind: instance property of Message
Returns: Date - datetime the message was sent
Access: public

message.markup() ⇒ Promise.<string>

Message markup

Kind: instance method of Message
Returns: Promise.<string> - Resolves to the HTML markup of the chat message
Access: public

message.reply(content) ⇒ Promise

Reply to the chat message

Kind: instance method of Message
Returns: Promise - Resolves once message has been sent
Access: public

Param Type Description
content string Message to reply with

Message.parse(payload) ⇒ Message

Parse a Message from a given payload

Kind: static method of Message
Returns: Message - parsed Message
Access: public

Param Type Description
payload string | object Data to parse as a Message


ChatRoom Class

Represents a chat room

Kind: global class
Access: public

new ChatRoom(payload)

Construct a ChatroomObject from payload

This constructor is intended to be private use only, if you need to construct a chatroom from payload data use ChatRoom.parse() instead

Param Type Description
payload * Payload to construct the ChatRoom object out of ⇒ number

Get the chatroom id

Kind: instance property of ChatRoom
Returns: number - Id of the chatroom
Access: public ⇒ string

Get the chatroom name

Kind: instance property of ChatRoom
Returns: string - Name of the chatroom
Access: public

chatRoom.users ⇒ Array.<User>

Get the users in the chatroom

Kind: instance property of ChatRoom
Returns: Array.<User> - The users that were in teh chatroom when the room was retrieved
Access: public

chatRoom.participants ⇒ number

Get the number of users in the chatroom

Kind: instance property of ChatRoom
Returns: number - Number of users in the chatroom
Access: public

chatRoom.owner ⇒ User

Get the owner of the chatroom

Kind: instance property of ChatRoom
Returns: User - Owning user for the chatroom
Access: public

chatRoom.url() ⇒ Promise.<string>

Retrieve the weblink for the Chatroom

Kind: instance method of ChatRoom
Returns: Promise.<string> - Resolves to the URL web link to the chatroom
Access: public

chatRoom.send(content) ⇒ Promise

Send a message to the chatroom

Kind: instance method of ChatRoom
Returns: Promise - Resolves when message has been sent
Access: public

Param Type Description
content string Message to send to the chatroom

chatRoom.addUsers(users) ⇒ Promise

Add a list of users to the chatroom

Kind: instance method of ChatRoom
Returns: Promise - Resolves when all users have been added to the chatroom
Access: public

Param Type Description
users User | Array.<User> User or Users to add to the chatroom

chatRoom.removeUsers(users) ⇒ Promsie

Remove a list of users from the chatroom

Kind: instance method of ChatRoom
Returns: Promsie - Resos when users have been removed from the chatroom
Access: public

Param Type Description
users User | Array.<User> User or Users to remove from the chatroom

chatRoom.leave() ⇒ Promise

Leave the chatroom

This will remove current user from the chat.

Kind: instance method of ChatRoom
Returns: Promise - Resolves when chatroom has been left
Access: public

chatRoom.rename(newName) ⇒ Promise

Rename the chat room

Kind: instance method of ChatRoom
Returns: Promise - Resolves when rename is complete
Access: public

Param Type Description
newName string Name to set the chatroom to

ChatRoom.create(users, message, [title]) ⇒ Promise

Create a new chatroom, add a list of users to it and send a message.

Kind: static method of ChatRoom
Returns: Promise - Resolves once message has been sent
Access: public

Param Type Description
users User | Array.<User> User or users to add to the chatroom
message string Message to send to the new chat room
[title] string Optional: Set the title of the chat message to this value


Activate chat features. newly received chat messages will be processed

Kind: static method of ChatRoom
Access: public


Deactivate the Chat features. This will stop new chat messages from being processed

Kind: static method of ChatRoom
Access: public

ChatRoom.get(roomId) ⇒ Promise.<ChatRoom>

Retrieve a ChatRoom by a given ID

Kind: static method of ChatRoom
Returns: Promise.<ChatRoom> - Resolves to the chatroom requested
Access: public

Param Type Description
roomId number Id of the chatroom to retrieve

ChatRoom.parse(payload) ⇒ ChatRoom

Parse a Chatroom object from payload

Kind: static method of ChatRoom
Returns: ChatRoom - Parsed Chatroom
Access: public

Param Type Description
payload string | object ChatRoom Payload

bindChat(forum) ⇒ User

Create a ChatRoom class and bind it to a forum instance

Kind: global function
Returns: User - A ChatRoomPo class bound to the provided forum instance

Param Type Description
forum Provider A forum instance to bind to constructed ChatRoom class