
NodeBB provider module User class

Author: Accalia
License: MIT

commands.bindCommands(forum) ⇒ Commands

Create a Commands class and bind it to a forum instance.

Kind: static method of commands
Returns: Commands - A Commands class bound to the provided forum instance

Param Type Description
forum Provider A forum Provider instance to bind to constructed Commands class


Command Handlers

Kind: inner constant of bindCommands
Default: {"help":""}


Shadow Command Handlers

Kind: inner constant of bindCommands
Default: {}


Commands forbidden by the forum provider

Kind: inner constant of bindCommands
Default: {}


Extended help topics

Kind: inner constant of bindCommands

bindCommands~checkAvailable(map, command, logType, logMsg) ⇒ boolean

Check the availability of a command

Kind: inner method of bindCommands
Returns: boolean - True if available, false otherwise

Param Type Description
map object A map of commands to check availability against
command string Name of command to check
logType string Type of log to log if command isn't available
logMsg string Message to log if command is not available


Command Class. Represents a single command within a post

Kind: inner class of commands

new Command(definition, parent)

Create a Command from a defintiton

Param Type Description
definition object Parsed Command defintition
parent Commands Commands instnace that created this Command

command.line : string

Full Command line definition

Kind: instance property of Command
Access: public

command.command : string

Normalized command name

Kind: instance property of Command
Access: public

command.commandText : string

Unnormalized command name

Kind: instance property of Command
Access: public

command.mention : boolean

Is Command a mention command?

Kind: instance property of Command
Access: public

command.args : Array.<string>

Command arguments

Kind: instance property of Command
Access: public

command.parent : Commands

Parent Commands object

Kind: instance property of Command
Access: public

command.replyText : string

Text to post as a reply to the command

Kind: instance property of Command
Access: public

command.executable : boolean

Indicates if this command will execute any handler

Kind: instance property of Command
Access: public

command.execute() ⇒ Promise

Execute the command handler for this command

Kind: instance method of Command
Returns: Promise - Resolves when command has fully executed
Access: public

command.getPost() ⇒ Promise.<Post>

Get Full Post the command refers to

Kind: instance method of Command
Returns: Promise.<Post> - Resolves to retrieved Post
Access: public

command.getTopic() ⇒ Promise.<Topic>

Get Topic command was posted to

Kind: instance method of Command
Returns: Promise.<Topic> - Resolves to retrieved Topic
Access: public

command.getUser() ⇒ Promise.<User>

Get User who posted the command

Kind: instance method of Command
Returns: Promise.<User> - Resolved to retrieved User
Access: public

command.getRoom() ⇒ Promise.<ChatRoom>

Get ChatRoom who posted the command

Kind: instance method of Command
Returns: Promise.<ChatRoom> - Resolved to retrieved ChatRoom
Access: public


Reply to command with content

Kind: instance method of Command
Access: public

Param Type Description
content string Content to reply with


Append content to the reply of command

Kind: instance method of Command
Access: public

Param Type Description
content string Content to append to reply


Commands class. Represents all commands for a Notification

Kind: inner class of commands
Access: public

new Commands(ids, postBody, handler)

Construct a Commands object from notification

Param Type Description
ids Ids Useful Ids
postBody string Raw Content of post containing commands
handler ReplyHandler Reply handler

commands.ids : Ids

Ids relevant to this Commands object

Kind: instance property of Commands
Access: public

commands.commands : Array.<Command>

Commands contained in this Commands object

Kind: instance property of Commands
Access: public

commands.text : string

Text this Commands object parsed

Kind: instance property of Commands
Access: public

commands.getPost() ⇒ Promise.<Post>

Get the Post this Commands object referrs to

Kind: instance method of Commands
Returns: Promise.<Post> - Resolves to the retrieved Post
Access: public


Set the Post this Commands object refers to

Kind: instance method of Commands
Access: public

Param Type Description
post Post The Post to cache

commands.getTopic() ⇒ Promise.<Topic>

Get the Topic this Commands object referrs to

Kind: instance method of Commands
Returns: Promise.<Topic> - Resolves to the retrieved Topic
Access: public


Set the Topic this Commands object refers to

Kind: instance method of Commands
Access: public

Param Type Description
topic Topic The Topic to cache

commands.getRoom() ⇒ Promise.<ChatRoom>

Get the ChatRoom this Commands object referrs to

Kind: instance method of Commands
Returns: Promise.<ChatRoom> - Resolves to the retrieved ChatRoom
Access: public


Set the ChatRoom this Commands object refers to

Kind: instance method of Commands
Access: public

Param Type Description
room ChatRoom The ChatRoom to cache

commands.getUser() ⇒ Promise.<User>

Get the user who sent these commands

Kind: instance method of Commands
Returns: Promise.<User> - Resolved to the retrieved User
Access: public


Set the User this Commands object refers to

Kind: instance method of Commands
Access: public

Param Type Description
user User The User to cache

commands.execute() ⇒ Promise.<Commands>

Execute the commands this object contains

Kind: instance method of Commands
Returns: Promise.<Commands> - Resolves to self when all commands have been processed
Access: public

Commands.get(notification, postBody, handler) ⇒ Promise.<Commands>

Get Commands from a notification

Kind: static method of Commands
Returns: Promise.<Commands> - Resolves to parsed commands
Access: public

Param Type Description
notification Notification Notification to get commands for
postBody string Post Body to parse for commands
handler ReplyHandler Reply function for commands

Commands.add(command, helpText, handler) ⇒ Promise

Add a command to this forum instance

Kind: static method of Commands
Returns: Promise - Resolves when command has been added
Access: public

Param Type Description
command string Command to be added
helpText string Short help text for command
handler CommandHandler Function to handle the command

Commands.addAlias(command, handler) ⇒ Promise

Add a command alias to this forum instance

Kind: static method of Commands
Returns: Promise - Resolves when command has been added
Access: public

Param Type Description
command string Command alias to be added
handler CommandHandler Function to handle the command

Commands.addExtendedHelp(command, text) ⇒ Promise

Add an extended help message for a command

Kind: static method of Commands
Returns: Promise - Resolves when help message has been added

Param Type Description
command string The command to add help text to
text string The help text to add for a command

Commands.forbidCommand(command) ⇒ boolean

Forbid a command from being registered.

This is to allow a provider the ability to prevent commands from being registered or triggered that would be problematic or prone to being accidentally triggered on the target system.

Kind: static method of Commands
Returns: boolean - True if the command was already forbidden, false otherwise.

Param Type Description
command string The forbidden command