
Main Module for SockBot2.0

Author: Accalia
License: MIT

SockBot.prepare(configuration, callback)

Prepare the bot for running

Kind: static method of SockBot

Param Type Description
configuration object | string Configuration to use. If string interpret as file path to read from
callback preparedCallback Completion callback


Start the bot

Kind: static method of SockBot

Param Type Description
callback completedCallback Completion Callback


Stop the event loop and signal plugins to stop

Kind: static method of SockBot

Param Type Description
callback function Completion callback


Log a message to console

Kind: static method of SockBot

Param Type Description
message * Message to log


Log a warning to console

Kind: static method of SockBot

Param Type Description
warning * Message to log


Log an error to console

Kind: static method of SockBot

Param Type Description
error * Message to log

SockBot.logExtended(level, message, [data])

Log an extended message

Kind: static method of SockBot

Param Type Description
level number Log Level
message string Log Message
[data] * Optional extended log data

SockBot~doPluginRequire(module, requireIt) ⇒ object

Load module as plugin

Kind: inner method of SockBot
Returns: object - requested module

Param Type Description
module string Module to require
requireIt function nodejs core require function (for unti testing purposes is parameter)


Prepare core EventEmitter as a SockEvents object

Kind: inner method of SockBot

Param Type Description
callback preparedCallback Completion callback


Load plugins based on current configuration.

Kind: inner method of SockBot

SockBot~loadConfig(cfg, callback)

Load configuration

Kind: inner method of SockBot

Param Type Description
cfg string | object Configuration to use, if string load as filepath to configuration
callback completedCallback CompletionCallback


Prepared Callback

Kind: inner typedef of SockBot

Param Type Description
err string | Error Any Error encountered
events SockBot's internal event emitter with added helper functions
pluginBrowser browser discourse communication class, will be logged into discourse once bot starts


Completion Callback

Kind: inner typedef of SockBot

Param Type Description
err string | Error Any Error encountered