SockEvents ⇐ EventEmitter

SockEvents object

All methods from core EventEmitter are preserved, refer to the core api for details.

Extends: EventEmitter
Author: Accalia
License: MIT

SockEvents~onChannel(channel, handler) ⇒ SockEvents

Register a message-bus channel listener

Kind: inner method of SockEvents
Returns: SockEvents - SockEvents for chaining calls

Param Type Description
channel string Message-bus channel to subscribe to
handler messageHandler Event Handler

SockEvents~removeChannel(channel, handler) ⇒ SockEvents

Unregister a message-bus channel listener

Kind: inner method of SockEvents
Returns: SockEvents - SockEvents for chaining calls

Param Type Description
channel string Message-bus channel to subscribe to
handler messageHandler Event Handler

SockEvents~removeTopic(topicId, handler) ⇒ SockEvents

Unregister a message-bus topic listener

Kind: inner method of SockEvents
Returns: SockEvents - SockEvents for chaining calls

Param Type Description
topicId Number Numerical ID of topic to subscribe to
handler topicMessageHandler Event Handler

SockEvents~onNotification(type, handler) ⇒ SockEvents

Add a notification listener

Kind: inner method of SockEvents
Returns: SockEvents - SockEvents for chaining calls

Param Type Description
type string Notification type
handler notificationHandler Notification handler

SockEvents~removeNotification(type, handler) ⇒ SockEvents

Remove a notification listener

Kind: inner method of SockEvents
Returns: SockEvents - SockEvents for chaining calls

Param Type Description
type string Notification type
handler notificationHandler Notification handler

SockEvents~onCommand(type, helpstring, handler) ⇒ SockEvents

Add a command listener

Kind: inner method of SockEvents
Returns: SockEvents - SockEvents for chaining calls

Param Type Description
type string Command name
helpstring string Short help text for command
handler commandHandler Command handler

SockEvents~registerHelp(command, helptext) ⇒ SockEvents

Add Extended help for a command or topic

Kind: inner method of SockEvents
Returns: SockEvents - SockEvents for chaining calls

Param Type Description
command string Command or topic to register help for
helptext string Extended help text

SockEvents~removeCommand(command, handler) ⇒ SockEvents

Remove a command listener

Kind: inner method of SockEvents
Returns: SockEvents - SockEvents for chaining calls

Param Type Description
command string Command type
handler commandHandler Command handler

SockEvents~command : object

Parsed Command Data

Kind: inner typedef of SockEvents

Param Type Description
input string Raw Command Input
command string Command name
args Array.<string> Command arguments
mention string Mention text that was included in command
post external.posts.CleanedPost Post that triggered the command


Discourse message-bus channel message handler

Kind: inner typedef of SockEvents

Param Type Description
message externals.messageBus.message Message to handle


Discourse message-bus topic message handler

Kind: inner typedef of SockEvents

Param Type Description
message externals.messageBus.postMessage Payload of message
topic externals.topics.Topic Topic containing post
post externals.posts.CleanedPost Post that triggered the message


Notification Handler

Kind: inner typedef of SockEvents

Param Type Description
notification external.notifications.notification Received notification
[topic] external.topics.Topic Topic data for received notification
[post] external.posts.CleanedPost Post data for recieved notification


Command handler

Kind: inner typedef of SockEvents

Param Type Description
command command Triggering Command