
Summoner plugin

Watches for @mentions and replies with a canned response

Author: Accalia
License: MIT


Default plugin configuration

Kind: static property of summoner

defaultConfig.cooldown : Number

Required delay before posting another reply in the same topic.

Kind: static property of defaultConfig

defaultConfig.messages : Array.<string>

Messages to select reply from.

Kind: static property of defaultConfig
Default: ["@%username% has summoned me, and so I appear.","Yes master %name%, I shall appear as summoned.","Yes mistress %name%, I shall appear as summoned."]

summoner.mentionHandler(_, topic, post)

Respond to @mentions

Kind: static method of summoner

Param Type Description
_ external.notifications.Notification Notification recieved (ignored)
topic external.topics.Topic Topic trigger post belongs to
post external.posts.CleanedPost Post that triggered notification

summoner.prepare(plugConfig, config, events, browser)

Prepare Plugin prior to login

Kind: static method of summoner

Param Type Description
plugConfig * Plugin specific configuration
config Config Overall Bot Configuration
events EventEmitter used for the bot
browser Browser Web browser for communicating with discourse


Start the plugin after login

Kind: static method of summoner


Stop the plugin prior to exit or reload

Kind: static method of summoner