Summoner Plugin

The summoner plugin responds to @mentions with a randomly selected canned phrase. This has been used to implement celebrity personalities, such as @zoidberg.


Once configured interaction is required to activate this plugin. The bot account must be summoned via an @mention. Upon being summoned the bot will reply with one of the preconfigured phrases, afterwhich the bot will automatically place the topic on cooldown, to prevent abuse of the bot.

Phrase Replacements

Configured catch phrases can include portions of the discourse post that summoned the bot. The text replacements are pulled from the discourse Post object. Any key in the Post object may be used; if the value is not text it will be coerced to text before being substituted.

Text replacements are of the form %key%, and will be replaced with the value of the relative key in the post that triggers the bot.

For example, if the bot is summoned by user @joeRandom and the reply '@%username% has summoned me, and so I appear.' is selected the text %username% will be replaced with the value of the username key in the post, resulting in the reply text of: '@joeRandom has summoned me, and so I appear.'

Configuration Options

Option Type Default
cooldown Number 60,000
messages List of String See example configurations below


This sets the amount of time (in miliseconds) that topics will be on cooldown before the bot will respond to another summon from a topic that the bot has already been summoned to. The default value is one minute.


This sets the list of messages that the bot will draw from when summoned. Each message may include replacement tokens as described in the Phrase Replacements section above.

If the provided configuration is an array instead of an object, it will be interpreted as a list of messages, and treated as this configuration option.

Example Configuration


    username: "someBotAccount"
    password: "someBotPassword"
      cooldown: 60000
        - "@%username% has summoned me, and so I appear."
        - "Yes master %name%, I shall appear as summoned."
        - "Yes mistress %name%, I shall appear as summoned."


    "core": {
        "username": "someBotAccount",
        "password": "someBotPassword"
    "plugins": {
        "summoner": {
            "cooldown": 60000,
            "messages": [
                "@%username% has summoned me, and so I appear.",
                "Yes master %name%, I shall appear as summoned.",
                "Yes mistress %name%, I shall appear as summoned."

Optionally only the messages list may be specified, accepting the default value of cooldown


    username: "someBotAccount"
    password: "someBotPassword"
      - "@%username% has summoned me, and so I appear."
      - "Yes master %name%, I shall appear as summoned."
      - "Yes mistress %name%, I shall appear as summoned."


    "core": {
        "username": "someBotAccount",
        "password": "someBotPassword"
    "plugins": {
        "summoner": [
            "@%username% has summoned me, and so I appear.",
            "Yes master %name%, I shall appear as summoned.",
            "Yes mistress %name%, I shall appear as summoned."