
Used for communicating to discourse and the web.

Author: Accalia
License: MIT

discourse.uuid() ⇒ string

Generate a type 4 UUID.

I don't understand how this does what it does, but it works. It's a lot slower than using node-uuid but i only need one of these so its good enough Source: http://jsperf.com/node-uuid-performance/19

Kind: static method of discourse
Returns: string - A type 4 UUID

discourse.sleep(until) ⇒ number

Set the bot to muted status until a time or query sleep status.

Most actions that would create a post will fail with error 'Muted' if bot is asleep

Kind: static method of discourse
Returns: number - current timestamp the bot is set to sleep until

Param Type Description
until number Unix Timestamp representing time for the bot to unmute

discourse.version() ⇒ Version

Get the current version information

Kind: static method of discourse
Returns: Version - Active Version module


Log a message to the console

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
message * Message to log


Log a warning to the console

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
message * Warning to log


Log an error to the console

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
message * Error to log

discourse.saveFile(url, filename, callback)

Issue a GET request and save result to filesystem

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
url string Url to fetch
filename string Filename to save to
callback Completion callback


Log into Discourse

Uses username and password configuration settings to login to discourse

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
callback request Completion callback

discourse.reply(post, raw, callback)

Reply to a post.

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
post Post Post object to reply to
raw string Raw post data
callback request Completion callback

discourse.createPrivateMessage(to, title, raw, callback)

Create a new private message.

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
to string | Array.<string> Username or names to create PM to
title string Title of the Private Message
raw string Raw post data
callback request Completion callback

discourse.editPost(postId, raw, [editReason], callback)

Edit an existing post.

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
postId number Id number of the post to edit
raw string New raw post data
[editReason] string Optional Edit Reason that no one ever uses
callback request Completion callback

discourse.deletePost(postId, callback)

Delete an existing post.

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
postId number Id of the post to delete
callback request Completion callback

discourse.postAction(action, postId, [message], callback)

Perform a post action on a post

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
action PostAction Action to perform
postId number Id of the post to act on
[message] string Content of any applicable moderation message
callback request Completion callback

discourse.deletePostAction(action, postId, [message], callback)

Remove a post action from a post

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
action PostAction Action to perform
postId number Id of the post to act on
[message] string Content of any applicable moderation message
callback request Completion callback

discourse.readPosts(topicId, posts, callback)

Read a lists of posts from a topic

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
topicId number The topic the posts are from
posts Array.<number> List of post_number fields from posts to read
callback request Completion callback

discourse.getPost(postId, callback)

Get a specific post

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
postId number Id of the post to retrieve
callback request Completion callback

discourse.getTopic(topicId, callback)

Get topic information

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
topicId number Id of topic to get information about
callback request Completion callback

discourse.getLastPosts(topicId, eachPost, callback)

Get the last page of a topic.

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
topicId number Id of topic to get information about
eachPost singleenumeration Callback to handle each post
callback function Completion callback

discourse.getAllPosts(topicId, eachChunk, callback)

Get all posts in a topic

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
topicId number Id of topic to get information about
eachChunk enumeration Callback to handle each chunk
callback function Completion callback

discourse.getAllTopics(eachChunk, callback)

Get all topics visible to current user from /latest

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
eachChunk enumeration Callback to handle each chunk
callback function Completion callback

discourse.getMessageBus(channels, callback)

Poll message-bus for messages

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
channels Object.<string, number> Channels of interest
callback request Completion callback


Poll for notifications

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
callback request Completion callback

discourse.getUserData(username, callback)

Get user data for an arbitrary user. Will fail if bot is not at least moderator status

Kind: static method of discourse

Param Type Description
username string Target Username
callback request Completion callback

discourse~dGet(url, callback, [delayAfter])

Schedule a GET request to discourse

Kind: inner method of discourse

Param Type Default Description
url string Site relative URL to fetch
callback request Response callback
[delayAfter] number 0 Apply this rate limiting to requests

discourse~dPost(url, form, callback, [delayAfter])

Schedule a POST request to discourse

Kind: inner method of discourse

Param Type Default Description
url string Site relative URL to post to
form Object Form to post
callback request Response callback
[delayAfter] number 0 Apply this rate limiting to requests

discourse~dPut(url, form, callback, [delayAfter])

Schedule a POST request to discourse

Kind: inner method of discourse

Param Type Default Description
url string Site relative URL to post to
form Object Form to post
callback request Response callback
[delayAfter] number 0 Apply this rate limiting to requests

discourse~dDelete(url, form, callback, [delayAfter])

Schedule a DELETE request to discourse

Kind: inner method of discourse

Param Type Default Description
url string Site relative URL to post to
form Object Form to post
callback request Response callback
[delayAfter] number 0 Apply this rate limiting to requests

discourse~addTimestamp(message) ⇒ string

Add timestamp to message.

if datestamp configuration setting is truthy add UTC date and time, else if timestamp configuration setting is truthy add UTC time, else return message unaltered

Kind: inner method of discourse
Returns: string - timestamped input message

Param Type Description
message * Message to timestamp

discourse~cleanPost(post) ⇒ CleanedPost

Apply normalization to a post.

Add cleaned key that contains post raw with bbcode quotes removed Alter trust_level key as follows:

If poster matches admin.owner configuration setting set TL to 9
Else if poster is an admin set TL to 8
Else if poster is a moderator set TL to 7
Else if poster is a staff member set TL to 6
* Else if poster is a member of admin.ignore configuration list set TL to 0

add url and reply_to keys to the post

Kind: inner method of discourse
Returns: CleanedPost - Cleaned Discourse Post Object

Param Type Description
post Post Discourse Post Object

discourse~schedule(task, [delayGroup])

Schedule a task

if delayGroup is provided will schedule such that tasks with the same value for delayGroup will be executed at most once per delayGroup milliseconds

Kind: inner method of discourse

Param Type Description
task function Task to schedule
[delayGroup] number Ensure task is rate limited to this rate

discourse~createPost(topic, [replyTo], raw, callback, [nomute])

Create a post.

Kind: inner method of discourse

Param Type Description
topic number Id of the topic to reply to
[replyTo] number Post_number of the post replyied to
raw string Raw post data
callback request Completion callback
[nomute] boolean INTERNAL USE ONLY. Do not set!